For those that don’t know…
Unlike other clubs in the area, we have reduced our prices as of the 1st September.
We have knocked our yearly membership of £24 and our insurance costs of £25 on the head, saving our adult members £49 per year.
To cover this, we needed to guarantee our income to make sure our bills are covered and so our weekly fees have been fixed £14 per month for adults, and £9 per month for under 16’s. These are to be paid by standing order on the 1st of the month.
Training fees, and equipment hire fees remain the same, and are to be paid on the night. Archery GB Fees (where wanted) will remain payable at the club in time for renewal. These will be at the advertised price by Archery GB and the club will not make anything from this..
I believe this makes us the cheapest club in the town once again, only surviving by the guaranteed monthly payment. We are after all a not for profit club.
We have also decided that once our equipment is renewed, we will spend any surplus of funds on extra fun nights for our members, paid for by the club.
If you haven’t got a standing order form yet, please get in touch and I’ll send one to you.
Also, and former members wanting to come back, now that the prices are more reasonable, feel free to get in touch, as we are recruiting now and once our memberships hit 24 people we will be closing the doors.
It’s quite urgent to get your mandates filled in and taken into your bank as these new prices and the first payments kick in on the 1st September.
Thanks everyone for your continued support,
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